Turf cools the environment
Climate can be managed at ground level by using turf grasses. They cool temperatures working as exterior ‘air conditioners’.

Turf cleans the environment
Dust and smoke particles from the environment are trapped by the turf acting as a filter which makes the air cleaner.

Turf converts carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen
More Oxygen with the aid of turf grass has a major effect in making our surroundings habitable.

A 15 m x 15 m area of lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.

Turf reduces noise pollution
Noise is also absorbed by lawns which reduces sound levels which has been a growing issue in urban areas. For example, grassed areas to the side of roads reduce noise by 8-10 decibels.

Turf reduces pollutants
Pollutants, which include carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, are absorbed by using turf grass thereby rendering the air fit to breathe.

Turf reduces erosion of soil from water
Erosion of soil from water is reduced by grasses as they intercept raindrops earlier than they disturb the soil and they also slow the flow of water which minimises soil loss.

Groundwater is better with the aid of a dense turf. Turf grass acts as a filter to the water going through it which in turn recharges the underground water supplies used by all of us.
Turf grasses situated close enhance safety on roads and airfields
Turf grasses situated close enhance safety on roads and airfields because they help to lower run-off which can be a reason for flooding. Turf grass also lessens soil erosion, reduces muddied surfaces and by filtering out dust improves visibility. Traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, is directed with the aid of turf in areas of heavy use of humans and on roadsides.

These are just a few of the many advantages of turf grass. Considering grass plants are so small, they contribute so much to the environments well being