Lawn Armyworm, Lawn Grub
Armyworm (or the more common name, lawn grub) is a moth caterpillar that feeds on the turf foliage at night. The grubs come in large numbers and can cause rapid damage as they move across turf areas. An indicator that Armyworm is in your lawn is the presence of birds feeding in the early morning or late afternoon.
Armyworm can be sprayed with any Lawn Grub killer or Acelepryn.
As a prevention we recommend you maintain your lawn with regular mowing during the warmer months
The eggs are laid in masses of 600-700 eggs that are covered with long, light brown hairs, these felt-like egg masses are cemented to leaves of trees and shrubs or on buildings close to lights and are often found on eaves and open ceilings
Brushing the egg masses off helps to physically control the insect, (we do not recommend hosing the eggs as this will wash the eggs into your turf)
The lawn armyworm is a native of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Australia and the South Pacific. The lawn armyworm is a serious problem and loves feeding on just about any lawn type. Severe damage to lawns is characterized by a completely denuded circular area sharply defined by a front of undamaged turf. With heavy populations of actively feeding larvae, this destruction may advance about 1 foot each night.
To rid your lawn of Armyworm simply purchase Pest Control by calling Freephone 1800 685 296